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Engineering class

Department Overview

FAQs on Engineering Policies for COVID-19

Engineering with a Liberal Arts Education

Swarthmore seeks to help its students realize their full intellectual and personal potential, combined with a deep sense of ethical and social concern. Within this context the Engineering Department seeks to graduate students with a broad, rigorous education, emphasizing strong analysis and synthesis skills. Our graduates will be well rounded and understand the broader impacts of engineering. They will have the skills to adapt to new technical challenges, communicate effectively, and collaborate well with others. The Engineering Department and its students provide to the College community a unique perspective that integrates technical and nontechnical factors in the design of solutions to multifaceted problems.

Engineering students - class of 2024

2024 April Fools Prank - a big table for the big chair on Parrish lawn. 

Engineers Week

Engineers Week! Students, faculty and staff enjoying pretzels from Auntie Ann's.

First Friday student event

Engineering students gather once a month to get to know each other better, enjoy snacks and participate in various activities.....from carving pumpkins, decorating cookies to making bike smoothies.

Hydrogen Fuell Cell vehicle

Working on the Hydrogen Fuel-Cell Powered Vehicle.

Field Trip to Veeco.

ENGR 14 class field trip to Veeco. Students worked in their semiconductor lab and got hands-on experience in research and design. 

SAGE organized a Bingo event during Engineers week.

SAGE organized a Bingo event during Engineers week.

SAGE organized a Bingo event during Engineers week.

SAGE organized a Bingo event during Engineers week.

Arduino Workshop

Arduino Workshop

Photo by Engineering students, faculty and staff

Engineering students - class of 2024

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